Shawna Bluestar
International Speaker, Advisor, Visionary & Mentor
Supporting Resilience to Navigate and Thrive in a Changing World
What if you could shift your reality from
the ordinary to the extraordinary?
*Release fear & stress, and feel greater peace of mind?
*Feel less reactive, and triggered, more calm and grouded?
* Tune into enhanced creativity, insight and intuition?
*Have more fun and enchantment in your life's journey?
*Connect to the sacred in the seen and unseen levels?
*Access signs, messages from Spirit or Higher Source?
*Tap into superpowers and your true potential?
*Tap into greater awe, wonder, magic and even miracles?
*Connect to the sacred in the seen and unseen dimensions?
*Access signs, messages from Spirit or Higher Source?
*Access healing for personal, and collective wounds?
*Improve your health, relationships, and intimacy?
*Access greater joy, elation, bliss, love, and meaning?
*Vision and Manifest your most extraordinary life?
Have you a had a mystic or miracle moment?
Or experienced heightened spiritual events or awakening?
*Have you experienced lucid dreams or dreams that come true?
*Have you felt timeless moments of great awe, wonder and pure joy and elation?
*Have you experienced moments of deep peace, and sense of oneness?
*Have you had an out of body or near death experience?
*Do you have heightened sensitivity, intuition or clairvoyance?
*Do you have memories of past lives, or messages from Spirit loved ones?
*Have you tapped into a moment that felt more "real" than anything else?
*Do you experience synchonicity or miracle moments?
Often these experiences are ineffable, numionus moments that feel sacred or divine, they are powerful and unforgettable.
They transcend llimitations, logic, and our conditioned human capacity.
These can be life-changing moments that transform your perception of reality and what's possible.
You may experience a feeling of no time, or space, immersed deeply in the moment.
However, these experienes are truly profound, often fleeting, spontaneous, and sporadic.
And yet, what if you could tune into this elevated state any time you wish?
What if you could experience these miracle moments, more freqently, or all of the time?
Great mystics and ancient peoples had access into the wisdom and knowledge of the mystic path.
In time this widom was oppressed, suppressed or fogotten for centuries. You have this natural power
within you, to access these magical states, and you already do for brief moments.
In this new series, Mystic Conversations, we will share our common yet unique profoound moments,
there is great synergy shared truth and understanding. We will explore the great collective awakening
that's happening all over the planet at this time of our great evolutionary quantum leap.
We will explore topics of the mystic path.
Learn secrets to tune into your inifinite mystic potential!
Join us for Mystic Conversations
Join us for this 5-part limited series. Each week we will join in a
90-minute circle for sacred space, seeking truth in deep reflection and conversation to explore the Great Mystery, The Great Shift, awakening,the mystical experience, ascension into higher states
of consciousness, and living extraordinary life! This is a time to come together to consider the deep questions about Life, where we're headed and the healing that's possible. Let us celebrate in community, connecting to the sacred and sublime, with focused intention, raising our vibration in these changing times. Many people are experiencing deep spiritual, mystical, and intuitive experiences. This is a safe space to be authentic, and vulnerable,
and share our common experiences, be seen for your gifts,
and to be with like-hearted community.
We will speak about this time of of Great Awakening. I will share about my own experiences, reluctance, and growth on the sacred path, and offer core principles and practices from my teachings
on The Reverence Code. These simple tools can help to alleviate the heaviness many people have been feeling, with grief, cynism, uncertainty, or anxiety that's been accumulating in recent years. Learn to shift into greater joy, healing, peace. purpose, meaning and ultimately liberation! The work is inspired by my Indigenous elders knowledge and wisdom, and years of dedication to the spiritual path. It's time for you to Be the Light in the Darkness that's needed now. Together we Rise!
All peoples and spiritual paths are welcome in the Spirit of Love.
We celebrate beauty in diversity!
A Message from Shawna Bluestar Newcomb
About Shawna Bluestar Newcomb
of Shawnee, Lenape, Zapotec lineage) is opening hearts and minds sharing spiritual messages as a international speaker, visionary and spiritual guide. She is passionate about guiding others to shift their reality, find true freedom, open to their authentic power and purpose, connect to their intuition, and share their unique gifts and voice. Shawna helps to lead a global movement for conscious change with her father. She shares hidden history behind The Domination code and her unique teachings on The Reverence Code. This is a way forward to help navigate and realize your full potential in this New era of Love. She offers support for people around the world with her healing and intuitive sessions, and facilitating her online courses, The Reverence Code -Changemaker's Course and Sacred Feminine Rising. Shawna is dedicated to a vision of healing and peace for all peoples, beings, the planet, and future generations.
Learn More
Year ago, I helped co-faciliate a workshop at a global festival. I asked the question, "How many of you have had mystical or profound experiences that can't easily be explained, such as Out of Body, Near Death Experiences, Prophetic Dreams, heightened intution, or contact from Spirit Loved ones? All 40 people raised their hands. Then I asked, "How many of you told anyone about your experience?" No one raised their hand, well, one person partly did. I wanted people to see the importance of sharing our experiences that have too long been shunned, repressed, and seen as taboo. I began sharing my intuitive, spiritual gifts, but it wasn't always easy for me, and for many years I struggled with how to show up in the world. A bigger lesson here is honoring who we came here to be in these times. In this series, I will open up about my own path, share channeled messages, and how you can take the next steps to honoring your own gifts. It's time to Shine Your light!
What is the Reverence Code?
From a young age, Shawna Bluestar began learning and experiencing spiritual life through the wisdom and knowledge
of her Indigenous elders, community, and ceremonies. Over many years she slowly gained trust in her gifts, following her own spiritual path; offering healings, intuitive guidance, and channeled messages to people around the world. Following guidance from Spirit, Shawna now provides a framework of healing trauma from of the system of domination and dehumanization so prevalent in the modern world. Her core teachings and practices of The Reverence Code, provide a unique blueprint to help us realize peace, harony, balance, healing and transformation, and also tap into our true potential as powerful creative beings. Shawna helps to elevate and empower us to connect back to what she calls the Original Spirituality of the planet, in The Time That Was Before. This is the way of our ancestors to realize our great potential and liberation. Shawna provides a framework to connect to the mystical path, seeing, sensing, and living life in the sacred with simple, profound, practices that bring joy, love and bliss. This method provides us with daily life experiences of magic and miracles, attuning ourselves to the rhythms of nature. Ultimately The Reverence Code provides the keys to Remember ourselves as profound sacred Beings, to experience our living connection with each other, our planet, and all beings,
so we can co-create the brighter future we want to see.
In this new limited series...
You'll Experience things like:
*A profound energetic realignment & resilience in yourself
*Greater faith that there is good in the world
*Alleviate heavy feelings of anxiety, grief, or depression
*Uplift yourself into high vibe activation, joy, peace & Bliss
*A newfound sense of your authentic self, power & purpose
*Celebration of your your innate & unique superpowers
*Know the full power of your Being - as a Changemaker, Lightworker, Healing Source, Miracleworker in the world!
Explore a Variety of Topics
A Variety of Topics & Themes such as:
*Working with spirit guides, and the Power of Nature
*The fastest ways to raise your vibration
*Channeled messages and prophecies in these times
*The Gift of Silence, Deep Listening, the Universe is speaking
*Uplifting grief through the power of mediumship
*Healing through your dreams, synchronicity & guidance
*The gift of Out of Body, Near Death experiences, & Visitations
*Activate & strengthen your innate superpowers
*Receving messages for higher consciousness, peace & healing
*& Much more!
Receive Gifts for Your Well-Being
Live interactive group talks may include...
*Shawna shares a channeled message each week
*Interactive high vibe teachings with Q & A
*Practices for personal & Collective healing
*Short teaching, or practices for daily life
*Learn how you can activate, trust your intuition &
strengthen your spiritual gifts!
*Sacred conversations about navigating The Great Shift.
* Submit your Questions, Shawna may answer in Circle or email
Happy People working with Shawna
Learning about The Reverence Code has such a balancing effect! Deeper contentment and many collaborations have unfolded for me while the world has gone through the dramatic changes in the past months." ~Andrea
"Your work is so relevant in the world today. I find myself trying to share the essence of your talk with friends. It has helped provide a framework to get a grip on what's happening in the world. It is our Time to Ride the wave. The Age old battle between light and dark, good and evil, war and peace. Your Talk was renewing and reassuring. Thank you."
- Jane
Shawna Bluestar is a mystic in all the best ways- awe-inspiring and a shining example of the feminine, and a talented facilitator. She involves each participant, is comfortable to be with, personable, and knowledgeable. The first time I heard the words, The Reverence Code it struck a chord in my heart. I recognized it as a possible path, and a way to heal - not just for me, but for the whole world. The Reverence Code is a path of hope and healing, for all of us. For all life."
-Shauna J
"I just love the work you do! You're an extremely powerful impactful woman. Thank you very much!" -Susie
"I have new tools with which to manage my ego or inner critic. This lesson yielded instantaneous results for me and I am deeply grateful!" - Carrie
"Working with
Shawna is Wonderful!" -Ray